User Guide


Adding a normal task todo

Adds a normal task to your task list.

Format: todo TASK

Examples: todo Run Adds a task called ‘Run’ to your task list.

Adding a task with a deadline deadline

Adds a task with a deadline to your task list.

Format: deadline TASK /by DATE

Examples: deadline Homework /by 2020-09-09 Adds a task called ‘Homework by 9 Sep 2020’ to your task list.

Adding an event event

Adds a task that occurs at a specific date and time to your task list.

Format: event TASK /at DATE TIME

Examples: event Meeting /at 2020-09-09 1400hrs Adds a task called ‘Meeting at 9 Sep 2020 1400hrs’ to your task list.

Listing all tasks list

Shows a list of all tasks in the task list.source

Format: list

deleting a task delete

Deletes the specified task from your task list.

Format: delete INDEX

Example: delete 2 deletes the 2nd task in the task list.

Locating tasks by keyword find

Finds tasks whose descriptions contain the given keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

Examples: find read returns the task ‘todo reading’

Adding a reminder to a task remind

Adds the specified task to the reminder list.

Format: remind INDEX

Examples: remind 2 Adds the 2nd task in the task list to the reminder list.

Listing all reminders reminders

Shows a list of all tasks in the reminder list which will be automatically shown when entering and exiting the program.

Format: reminders